National Highways has today (Thursday 19 May 2022) launched its updated asset management policy and approach.
The government company is responsible for designing, maintaining and operating motorways and major A-roads in England, known as the strategic road network, which are valued as an asset at around £128 billion. This includes 4,300 miles of road; more than 20,000 structures; and 120,000 lights.
The updated strategy aligns with the organisation’s journey and priorities.
National Highways Chief Highways Engineer Mike Wilson said: “National Highways delivers customer service through good asset management – enhancing and managing our assets safely and reliably. We make decisions that consider the impact on the environment whilst ensuring the country’s economy is supported by a safe and sustainable road network, now and in the future. Our strategy is focussed on delivering better asset management decisions that will improve customer service, consider environmental sustainability and effectively manage the risks on for its roads that keep our customers safe.”
The aim of the updated strategy is to help National Highways deliver better asset management by working collaboratively and applying consistency. It will also recognise how the current roles, responsibilities and decisions made contribute to asset management and impact on customers and the environment.