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National Highways issues message to 'grumbling' motorway motorists

Writer: Safer Highways Safer Highways

National Highways have issued a message to ‘grumbling’ motorists.

The government company is charged with operating, maintaining and improving England's motorways and major A roads to ensure they are durable and safe.

Placing the message on their Facebook page a spokesperson for National Highways updated the public on why it was vital for roads to be resurfaced.

They said: “Grumbling about the motorways being resurfaced? Here’s why it’s vital to resurface our roads:

“Improved Safety: Resurfacing smooths out the road surface, filling in potholes, cracks, and other irregularities. This reduces the risk of accidents caused by road damage.

“Extended Road Lifespan: By resurfacing highways, the underlying layers of the road are protected from further deterioration, helping to prolong the overall lifespan of the road.

The added that, with a third of all traffic, two-thirds of freight and some areas seeing over 200,000 vehicles daily, they manage 4,500 miles of motorways and major A-roads and have resurfaced over 11,000 lane miles of our network since 2015, averaging over 1,200 lane mines per year.



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