The Government has awarded £274,900 so the County Council can develop its next package of cycling and walking schemes and promotional activity.
The successful bid to the Department for Transport’s enabling fund means that:
Initial designs for three Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP) schemes can be developed ready for the next round of Active Travel Fund capital funding. The LCWIPs are produced by the County Council, some of our district and borough partners and the South Downs National Park Authority.
The County Council can continue its successful promotional work in promoting active travel, such as its ongoing Think Active Travel campaign, designed to help residents make positive choices around how they travel, wherever possible.
Work to encourage pupils and parents to walk to school can resume - building on the “Walk to school” project started by Living Streets in 2012.
Joy Dennis, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said: “Providing a wide range of safe, accessible cycleways across the county to ensure residents can travel sustainably is important to us, so this latest funding award is really positive: it will enable us to develop three or four priority cycling and walking schemes to then bid for capital funding.
“When we first put in for this funding, the Department for Transport had asked us, and several other local authorities, for additional information and assurances and it’s pleasing to know they have backed us with 100 per cent of our application.”