Former rugby star Danny Sculthorpe is the latest big name announced for this years SHL!ve.
Danny has struggled with suicidal thoughts after he became injured and his rugby career ended.
He will speak about his challenges in the Jacobs ”One Million Lives“ hub at this years event. This year's event takes place on the 29th September at the East Midlands Conference Centre.
The event will incorporate both Respect our Roadworkers week and The Big Idea, with the live final in the afternoon of the full day programme.
SH L!ve is made up of indoor and outdoor exhibition zones showcasing the latest innovation, products, concepts and services in the health, safety and wellbeing sector, alongside several unique feature areas that will bring all the latest insight.
Speaking about the announcement of Danny, Freya Wells, co-founder of SHL!ve said,
"I am extremely honoured that individuals such as Danny Sculthorpe have agreed to be a part of our event,
"The understanding and learning we can take from these individuals gives our sector understanding we could never get by looking inwardly within just our own industry.
"In order to grow and thrive as a sector we need to accept that we are not the source of all knowledge and actually accept that we can take learning from others.
"In doing so, as we have in the past, we can become a more mature, rounded and inclusive place for people to work.
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