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Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Contraflow installed on A46 scheme

The National Highways project to extend the life of the concrete carriageway on the A46 in the East Midlands is moving onto its next stage.

The carriageways between Six Hills and Dalby, have already been completed by working overnight and the third started on the southbound carriageway between Dalby and Willoughby in the first week of January, also overnight.

Overnight closures on both the northbound and southbound carriageway will continue from Monday to Friday from 8pm to 6am until Thursday, 25 January for completion of phase three and the installation of a contraflow required to complete the last three sections.

It is expected to be operational from Friday, 26 January 2024.

National Highways Project Manager Kyle Morley said: “This scheme will result in smoother, safer journeys for road users by extending the life of the concrete carriageway.

The work is progressing well and the installation of the contraflow means we can now work round the clock to complete the project more quickly for the benefit of road users and local communities and businesses, especially those who front directly on to the A46.

“Once the contraflow is in place, we are advising road users to be alert to the changing road layout, to allow extra time for their journeys and to adhere to the 40mph temporary speed limit which is there for their safety as well as that of our workforce.”

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