Southampton City Council is inviting residents to feedback on plans which could see automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras used to reduce moving traffic contraventions at different locations.
The cameras would help enforce measures to reduce congestion and increase safety on the roads, for example at School Street schemes (pedestrian and cycle zones at certain times of day) and other areas where motor vehicle access is restricted.
The ANPR technology will help to identify road users who continue to ignore restrictions such as:
*Driving through a ‘No Entry’ sign
*Turning left or right when instructed not to do so (making banned turns)
*Driving where and when motor vehicles are prohibited
*Driving on routes that are for buses and taxis only
At the moment, outside of London, only the Police have the power to enforce these restrictions, but the new legislation allows Highway Authorities and Councils to undertake enforcement through the use of ANPR technology.
Councillor Eamonn Keogh, Cabinet Member for Transport and District Regeneration comments: “We hope that by using ANPR cameras we will quickly change drivers’ behaviour and improve the safety and flow of traffic for everyone. The new legislation gives us more power to target people who are contravening traffic regulations. The scheme will be fully evaluated to ensure it has a positive impact on reducing moving traffic contraventions. The ANPR will also support our successful School Streets programme which creates a safer and more pleasant journey on the school run.”