In a year of challenges, disruptions and setbacks, Chevron Traffic Management ended 2020 on a positive note, having recorded its most successful year ever.

The company which provides traffic management services to road, rail, utilities and events clients across the UK, now intends to build on this success and bring this positivity into 2021.
“2020 was an extraordinary year,” explains Tim Cockayne, CEO, Chevron TM. “The challenges were immense, not least in the impact on our events business and the difficulties in providing traffic management services under Covid restrictions. However, with the exceptional team of people in Chevron TM, we faced these challenges, found new opportunities and recorded a 19% increase in turnover, making it our most successful year ever.
The company’s success has been partly due to organic growth across its existing businesses and a series of recent acquisitions, two of which took place in 2020.
“Our focus in 2020 was on consolidating our business to focus on five key sectors of Utilities, Rail, Highways, Local Authorities and Events and to enhance the services we offer to our clients; services such as digital services, traffic management design, equipment hire, arboriculture and of course our newly introduced Covid Services,” adds Mr Cockayne.
“Throughout this process, we have increased our workforce by 35%, have entered new markets and have invested in systems and processes to integrate our acquired businesses into a united group of companies. The end result is a robust business structure which meets the needs of our clients and sets us up for continued growth in the future.”
The Chevron Group comprises of number of companies including Highway Resource Services (HRS), Chevron Traffic Management, ACones Ltd and Class One Traffic Management.
“What we have achieved in the past year has been truly amazing,” continues Mr Cockayne. “We look forward to 2021 with a real sense of positivity and a mindset which says everything is possible.”